Our Cadets take part in many exciting activities two nights a week and most weekends! From flying and gliding to camping, shooting, DofE & First Aid! We are open to all young people from 12 years old (and in Year 8 at school) up to their 17th birthday, and provide the sort of opportunities that only come once in a lifetime!

Social Media Feed

740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC6 days ago
Inter-Squadron Athletics Competition.

It was a busy Sunday for the Cadets at 740 Whitby. 13 cadets travelled to Costello Athletics Stadium in Hull for the annual Inter-Squadron Athletics competition, with Squadron's within the Wing.

We would like to thank all Cadets represented our Squadron by taking part in their events. Our Squadron achieve 2 gold medals.

The staff would also like to thank Corporal Worsey and the NCO team for organising the cadet team and making sure they got to their events on time.

It was a fantastic day and we will be waiting for next year.
740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC2 weeks ago
Yesterday, the Squadron saw 4 cadets head to RAF Topcliffe to 645 Volunteer Gliding Squadron, where each cadet got two launches in a Viking glider, and had a fabulous day!
740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC3 months ago
It was a busy week for the Squadron last week with us catching up on presenting the cadets with well earnt badges and certificates!

Among those presented were - Blue Essential First Aid, Blue Radio, Blue Leadership, Blue Pre-DofE, Master Air Cadet Classification and Blue Wings!

Well done to all the cadets and apologies to those who are having to sew all the badges on!

Interested in joining the squadron? Our next open night is now published and available to book your place! Visit https://whitbyaircadets.org/open-evening/ for more info.

740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC6 days ago
Inter-Squadron Athletics Competition.

It was a busy Sunday for the Cadets at 740 Whitby. 13 cadets travelled to Costello Athletics Stadium in Hull for the annual Inter-Squadron Athletics competition, with Squadron's within the Wing.

We would like to thank all Cadets represented our Squadron by taking part in their events. Our Squadron achieve 2 gold medals.

The staff would also like to thank Corporal Worsey and the NCO team for organising the cadet team and making sure they got to their events on time.

It was a fantastic day and we will be waiting for next year.
740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC2 weeks ago
Yesterday, the Squadron saw 4 cadets head to RAF Topcliffe to 645 Volunteer Gliding Squadron, where each cadet got two launches in a Viking glider, and had a fabulous day!
740 (Whitby) Squadron, ATC3 months ago
It was a busy week for the Squadron last week with us catching up on presenting the cadets with well earnt badges and certificates!

Among those presented were - Blue Essential First Aid, Blue Radio, Blue Leadership, Blue Pre-DofE, Master Air Cadet Classification and Blue Wings!

Well done to all the cadets and apologies to those who are having to sew all the badges on!

Interested in joining the squadron? Our next open night is now published and available to book your place! Visit https://whitbyaircadets.org/open-evening/ for more info.

740 (Whitby) Squadron

Rear of Whitby Sixth Form,
Airy Hill, Whitby, YO21 1QA


✉ oc.740@rafac.mod.gov.uk
☏ (01947) 459 750 (Calls are answered on parade nights only)

Parade Nights: Monday & Thursday 7pm - 9.30pm


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